Investing in Community

Investing in Community

Schenectady's Community Foundation

The Schenectady Foundation was established in 1963 to benefit the people who live and work in Schenectady County, NY. To date we have invested more than $32 million into our communities, and plan to commit about $2 million in grants and scholarships in 2025.


The Schenectady Foundation plans to invest $2 million into charitable projects with the greatest potential to positively impact our community. Our priorities: Equitable Access to Healthy Food Initiative, Neighborhood Revitalization and Emergent Needs. Also included is our grants portfolio are Micro Grants, Scholarships and Community Event Sponsorships.  New this year is funding for the Arts, and a Grassroots Fund to support community-based grassroots and neighborhood level initiatives.

The projected total investment in each funding area is as follows:

  • Equitable Access to Healthy Food - $1,000,000
  • Neighborhoods – $350,000
  • Emergent Needs and "Open" Grants - $300,000
  • Micro Grants, Sponsorships and Special Initiative Funds - $280,000
  • Scholarships - $60,000


2025 Application Dates

Equitable Access to Healthy Food Grants:

    • RFP released:  February 7th
    • Letters of Inquiry (LOI) due:  March 5th
    • Grant Applications due: April 2nd
    • Approximate decision date:  April 30th

Emergent Needs: 

    • RFP Released:  March 26th
    • Letter of Inquiry (LOI) due: April 25th
    • Grant Application due: June 2nd 
    • Approximate decision date: June 25th 

Neighborhood Revitalization Grants: 

    • RFP Released: July 30th 
    • Letter of Inquiry (LOI) due: August 29th 
    • Grant Application due: October 3rd
    • Approximate decision date: October 29th 

Impact Statements

The Schenectady Foundation’s impact statements describe to applicants how we plan to fulfill our mission to benefit the health and well-being of people who live and work in Schenectady County. The Foundation has created an impact statement for each area of focus, and encourages proposals that will help to drive Schenectady’s results closer and closer to the achievement of these impacts.

Equitable Access to Healthy Food

Impact Statement: Schenectady County will be food-secure, ensuring that all residents have regular access to fresh, healthy food to nourish themselves and their families.

Neighborhood Revitalization

Impact Statement: Schenectady’s neighborhoods will thrive, becoming places where residents feel safe, supported and valued; encouraged and empowered to make changes in their community.

Emergent Needs

Impact Statement: Key organizations are supported as they collaborate to help Schenectady’s residents by responding to new or emergent needs.

Micro Grants

Impact Statement: Innovative projects will have access to seed money to help plan for new programs or innovations, and to engage more deeply in the community.


Catalytic and Transformative 

The Foundation’s role is as a catalyst for community change. Of particular interest are projects – large or small – where an injection of funding and engagement can more quickly and significantly deliver impact in our areas of focus.

The Schenectady Foundation supports projects and movements with the potential to be transformative – leading to marked change in people, organizations, neighborhoods, and the broader community. Our grants place emphasis on projects that can achieve measurable or observable outcomes. 

The Grants Process

The Foundation has a two-step online grant process. The first required submission is a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) form which provides a general overview of the proposed project and its associated outcomes. Upon approval of an LOI, applicants will be given access to the full grant application.

The Foundation offers a “Micro Grant” program to address requests of $10,000 or less. Micro Grants are often utilized for planning, research, and development of future projects, or to get pilot projects off the ground. While the maximum Micro Grant award is $10,000, the majority of them fall into the $3,000 - $7,000 range.

Please review The Schenectady Foundation’s Criteria and Eligibility prior to beginning an application, as the information contained therein is used to guide decisions by the Foundation’s Distribution Committee.

Outcomes Matter

It is a core value and responsibility of The Schenectady Foundation to be a good steward of the funds gifted by donors. Given that there are numerous charitable entities within Schenectady County, the Foundation is highly selective in its funding decisions. Most years, funding requests far exceed the available resources, and so the Foundation prioritizes grant requests that are most likely to have significant impacts within the strategic focus areas.

Measurable or observable outcomes that can be achieved with our financial support are a high priority. The use of measurable outcomes may be new to some applicants. Foundation staff is available to guide applicants through this process.

We recommend that you review this outline of Outcomes Terms so that there is a common understanding of their meaning within the Foundation's application process.

Resident Engagement and Systems Change

While strengthening organizations and programs is an important aspect of the Foundation's work, we are increasingly placing emphasis on how applicants are engaging their clients and program beneficiaries in their work. Grant applications are strengthened when they demonstrate that those who use services are listened to, and have influence on the design and delivery of those services.


Getting Started with Your Application

To access The Schenectady Foundation’s online grant portal, please follow this link, Foundation Online Grants. New applicants will need to establish accounts while those who have applied to the Foundation for funding in the past will be able to log in with their email address and password. For assistance with the online grant application, please contact Sofia Pawlusik at (518) 393-9500 or

Letters of Inquiry

Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) may be submitted through the Foundation’s grant portal at any time, once the RFP has been released. The Foundation responds to appropriate and complete LOIs within 20 days of submission. During the review period, applicants may be asked to submit additional information or to meet with Foundation staff. LOIs that are approved will gain access to the full grant application process.

Grant Applications

Grant applications must be submitted through the Foundation’s grant portal. Those submitted by the due dates – and that meet all requirements for substance, accuracy and completeness – will be forwarded to the Foundation’s Distribution Committee for consideration. The Foundation’s practice is to meet with each applicant in a grant conference to ensure that all decision-makers understand the proposed projects, and have the opportunity to fully explore the potential of each one.

Once grant conferences take place, applicants can reasonably expect to be notified of funding decisions within approximately 2 weeks. Applicants will receive email and/or phone communications from Foundation staff to make them aware of final funding decisions.


If you have any questions regarding the grants process, please contact Sofia Pawlusik.

Click the link below to start your application:



Explore the resources below to assist you with your grant application. From application guidance to orientation sessions, we’re here to support you through the process.

Click Here for Foundant Application Assistance 

2025 General Grant Orientation                            2025 Equitable Access To Healthy Food LOI Orientation






Erbacher Scholarship

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The Anna Hudson Erbacher Scholarship supports students in Schenectady County who aspire to become teachers. Each recipient is awarded a total of $10,000, paid in annual installments of $2,500, subject to continued qualification. The Foundation awards two new scholarships each year, based on academic performance, financial need, and extracurricular activities. 

Grant payments are made directly to the college upon receipt of enrollment confirmation. Funds may be used for tuition, room and board, activity fees, and other direct costs billed through the bursar's office. 

Applications are currently available on the Foundation's website and winners will be announced in May. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

 To apply, students must: 

  • Reside in Schenectady County, New York. 

  • Be a graduating senior from a high school in Schenectady County. 

  • Plan to pursue a teaching career by enrolling in appropriate coursework at a college or university. 

  • Maintain good academic standing. 

Who Was Anna Hudson Erbacher? 

Established in 1973 through a charitable trust created by John N. Erbacher in memory of his wife, Anna, this scholarship honors her lifelong dedication to education. Anna was a passionate and committed teacher in the Schenectady School system, where she taught at Riverside School in Schenectady’s Stockade when it first opened. A graduate of New York University with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Education, Anna’s legacy lives on through this scholarship, supporting students who share her love of teaching. 

Schenectady STEM Scholarship

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The Schenectady STEM Scholarship (Clarence E. Crowfoot and Mary Clarke Fund) supports graduating seniors from Schenectady City School District pursuing careers in STEM related fields. Each year, at least two students will be awarded $10,000 scholarships, paid on 4 annual installments of $2,500. Thanks to a generous gift from the estate of Sanford A. and Marilyn Shuler, this scholarship aims to inspire and empower the next generation of innovators in STEM fields, building a brighter future for our community. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

To apply, students must: 

  • Be a graduating senior from the Schenectady City School District 
  • Pursue studies in and complete a degree in Science, Math, Engineering, and/or Technology 

  • Maintain good academic standing 

Applications are currently available on the Foundation's website and winners will be announced in May. 

Who Was Sanford A. Shuler? 

Sanford A. Shuler graduated from Mont Pleasant High School and wished to honor some individuals who were instrumental in his development of a love for all things scientific and innovative. He named the scholarship in honor of Clarence E. Crowfoot and Mary Clarke- people who took him in as a young man and instilled the importance of education.  

He was on the GE Team that developed the first American Jet engines, among many other patented innovations. He was remembered by friends as a brilliant engineer, a visionary, and a dreamer. One of his dreams was to help someone else have the opportunity to pursue a career in science and engineering.  


For additional information on Foundation scholarships, please contact Jean Churchill at